About Us
The best perspective to buying commodities BR Holdings GP of USA/BRAZIL making international commodities simple for everyone, partnerships bring unity, we are all together in this big economic global market. BR Holdings global commidities portfolio, has one of the most innovative global commidities solutions. Our mission is to help purchasing commodities without leverage of their company and at the same time provide sustainable profitability to our customers.

We’ve laid a solid foundation to accelerate ventures using intelligence, collaboration tools and resources that are uncommon for a small global commidities firm like us.

How do we know that our vision and foundation is rare? Because we talk frequently to Founders, Owners and Entrepreneurs, venture capital partners with global commidities advisors. We leverage creative insight and innovation to introduce new markets, products, campaigns and incubate startups.

Our Plan is profoundly simple with a growth strategy powered by development alliances with a proprietary crowdfunding strategy.

Imagine if you will, the power of crowdfunding, with its significant reach with a more resourceful approach to capital sourcing for the soft capital cost of venture incubation and development. BR Holdings commodities vision for startup development and entrepreneurship is a perfect foundation to build alliances between community financial institutions and business corporate partners.

Many global commidities banks and credit lenders are eager to augment entrepreneurship in their community as a natural way to elevate their brand. BR Holdings GP has a prudent approach to grow the customerss and Banks value of close relationship with the commodities and Business Partnerships International and USA.

BR Holdings Gp brings customerss and Partners together allowing them to become market makers and / or market partners with a banking LC and credit ability in this partnership and as together, we fuel the launch of a new marketplace.

Why we will be successful 95% Business Profit

Utilize a business model that has proven and can expand rapidly across the USA and Internationally. Operational Excellence
Understand the highly complex from State to State and Internationally

Growth and Expansion
Internal and external growth plans

Software Solution
Cloud based Leading Edge software which solves Complex E2E business complexity and reduces the need for additional employees / Maximizes efficenency

Multiple Construction Contracts in several states
Construction Plrojects
Agriculture Industry
Energy Sector, Solar & Eco State

Expansion Plan
  • USA Immediate needs for limestone for construction across the Southern States.
  • BRH - Eligible Bechtel LNG projects from Brownsville TX to Louisiana.
  • Agriculture- Industry; Sugar, Pot Ash, Soda Ash, Urea, Lime and CaCo3 Carbonates.
  • Solar Energy PV coverage is just one of today’s Global Emissions for Net 0.
  • Energy Sectors from Bunge/Chevron to Occidental/Halliburton all doing their part in cutting emissions on the Global Stage for Cleaner Energy, spending millions in contracts per day.
  • Carbon Credits this process help provide the future for our kids tomorrow.
  • Make it happen help the life cycle and GO GREEN today.
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Fortaleza - Brazil
São Paulo - Brazil
Dominican Republic
Miami Office 601, Brickell Key Drive, Suite 700
Miami, Florida 33131
Phone office: (786) 432-7450 *7450

Colombia and Central America Ken, Cito Vasquez
Excutive/Business Development
+57 311 4565361

Brazil Filipe França
Financial Manager

Mercedes Gonçalves
Office Administration

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